Monday, December 24, 2012

No moticons.

╰(*´︶`*)╯  I just downloaded the emoticon app. Jah help me. I got a few new symbols with the GALAXY which expanded my emticon vocabulary extensively. With the app, now I have... angry, sad, intrigued, sporty, contemplating impending dissatisfaction.   !)~

A Very Cherry Hissmas.

Fires create cherries and hisses. Get it!?) I'm going to state my NextYears Resolvutions today. Find either a girlfriend/wife/community that makes me happy. With the right people on board smiles are not as hard to find. Don't get me wrong, I smile plenty, but the true ebulience is mostly in my head. Ill know it when I see it. By Valentines Day I will have asked lots of ladies to be mine.
By this time next year, will generate enough interest and revenue to allow me to seriously consider driving part time. That's a mere $2200 per month in sales. I'll need my harem or tribe to be full into the possibilities by Sept.
That's it.  Well, almost.

Christmas Eve 2012. I hold up hope for a miracle to occur tonight that would lift me up enough to see the glories of life like I used to see them. My motto "Next year will be the best one EVER!" is less of a joke and more of a sarcastic harbinger of things to come. I know that lifelong happiness lives around every corner and is just waiting to be discovered, I just have to be brave and disturb that happiness, begging to be Invited in.

Next year for sure!)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snacton Banks Testing Grounds~Retronese Motoring Club.

Snacton (@Snacton) tweeted at 8:36 AM on Sat, Dec 22, 2012: Dat Rising Sun.Datsuns 240 Z and 510 from 1971. Snacton Banks Testing Grounds, Japan. Beer, food, speed,Retronese. HAI! ( Get the official Twitter app at Datsun, now Nissan, is known as a leader in racing technology. 1971 was a great year.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The totem pole. The gist of the separatist list isht.

I hear the labels talking about socio-economic equality, the racial devide, taxing the rich and how the poor have an equal opportunity on this playing field of life. I ask those without built in debilitators to study the chances of the outsiders. Factors such as single parent upbringing, non English speaking households, African American decent, imigrant origins or whatever differentiates the upper classes from the lower must be evaluated. How evasive "normalcy" must be. Too many of Earth's citizens are pre judged without further thought.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The week in Snacton.

Lets see: the site was launched, 4 designs were finalized. I worked 6 12vs, I found the company that has the flannel we will be using, the embroidered logo was approved, i moved out, I learned how to answer my Galaxy Note 2, crowd funding at , 6 stickers were finalized,  I went to a speed friending event, got the ball rolling on having others work on some production on their own, tested the rubber stamps, blogged, tweeted and FaceBooked. I laughed, i cried, I kicked its ass!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cousin Cowboy Keith. Retroist movement.

My brother tells me that cuz is selling off acreage 4 nearly nothing per acre. Bro would like to try and flip 20 acres. I would like to take and create a 60 acre tech driven experimental science project dedicated to studying the micro villages of the next generation. Crowd backed resource gathering, greenergy, water tank buildings, grow towers and profit centric biz plans etc. With enough thought and support,  this could get a load of interest.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Check out the songstress, Paloma Faith.

I really like the soulful stylings of Paloma Faith,  the British croonette with a past.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's a thin line between up and down.

I'm on the right track. If a graphics based merchandise company that fakes up designs from every genre and lifestyle in order to benefit society, is a good idea. When enough people say it's cool then damnit it's cool and their circles must get in line. I saw a AE tee today and it's wearer seemed embarrassed at being suckered into paying to tell everyone "I have no taste".

Friday, November 9, 2012

I fear success for i don't want to see myself let my success fail.

I haven't called Godaddy to get the Snacton site up and running as my go to .com. In hindsight, i think that if i had the site up a number of realities would rear up. No visitors would look to see what i have concerned myself with. I would have no time to improve the site. I would get the site up and then my web designer would disappear. My site would attract all the right attention and i would be found out to be a founderer of the highest order, failing to keep up with all of the demand and demands commanded of me. Success is it's own reward, yes, but failure,?, failure is a warm, safe and quiet place where the sniggerers can't find me amongst the myriad reflections of other falterers who have landed there before me. Us. No website, no problem. There is strength in being number.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Crafts for the crafty.

Currentlyh watching "Zeitgeist" documentary about potential lies concerning war,banking, politics,911, bulls**t fed to us by the powers that be feeding us bulls**t and the police state.Hope killing media that makes me want to make an effort to help folks protect themselves by making our own moves. Google snacton.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Twitter takeover. Writers blog.

Do you believe it's been 3 weeks since i last posted? Twitter is such the easy way to document daily happenings. I can see why our youth are getting away from putting whole sentences together, the culture is to get everything said in 140 speak. The other reason i haven't blogged is cuz i work too much, i'm bummed, too lazy, i forgot and the site isn't up yet. Sooner.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Twittle link. My Twitter life.

Big raise. CapitaLONE.

I was paying $209 a month to CITI. They were asking for $160. I asked for and received an interest rate reduction from 26%, up from 0%,  to 10%. I wisely opted to pay $240 a month to get this damn thing behind me. I will see about getting another card from them if the interest rate is at 0%. I asked for the past 3 years of statements from my other credit card, Watermark. They said it would cost $2 bux per month then called me back to say that they couldn't find me in the system. I think i can't owe them as much as they say i do. I recieved an offer in the mail from Capital One and now have a 0% card $500 credit line from them with a chance of raising that in a few months. I can't wait till i have an all cash life.
Whats in your wallet?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Diss Friendly Diss Course.

Being unfriended by a person that you are just developing a friendship with is disheartening to say the least. It can be confusing when someone asks you to hang out with them especially in this day of facebook friendships. In the olden days, one would pick up the phone and have a conversation, ask a question or otherwise develop a dialogue with another. These days one must assume more than ever before because using the phone isn't as much of an option. All i wanted a Pepsi.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sticker Sock. Feeling God about myself.

Not to get religious on you but i am a secular humanist (i think) and that releases me from having to get religious on you. Look it up.
Going in to see Jobi and The Shah to design and order some decals. Gots to get over to the repair shop to retrieve the Rizide. Wearing the "Launch Air" tee for the first time. God day to you all!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What have i done!?

The week in Snacton. I put the ambulation machines in the repair shop. The fixin will cost $1500+? Designed product with The Shah and Leah $100. Hung out with family at the Orleans Casino $70. Ordered $850 in product. Started to set up the Big Cartel E-Commerce site. Worked everyday, PRICELESS!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being good with money. Being a boring tight fisted mensch.

Today, after work i went to the Blue Ox for a beer and a shot. The bar maid, Debbi was so fine i gave her a $4 tip on a $7 order. So fine i forewent the shot. I don't drink anyways, so being tight fisted instead of two fisted went hand in hand. Cleavage should be watched carefully. I don't know how people become so free with the spending. They spend money on cars, homes, vacations, love, fancy dinners, kids, parents, furnitures, operations, clothing, tools and whatnots. I live in Parvati and try to burn as little dough as is feasible. It's a good thing i do because i have goals that include building the Snacton into a global philanthropy. I would give it all up for a nice set of cleavages though.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

102 posts. 325 Tweet Followers. 11 Likes.

Getting this gasoline siphoned from the tank to get the engines primed and running is like the sweetest taste ever. When the is up and funneling sales dollars into the infrastructure, it will all be worth the bad flavor of having only 11 likes at this stage of the endeavor. Check out my TI Global site @

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Solutions Party.

The roller coaster of party affiliation is once again heading downwards in an exhilarating yet saddening twistie towards apathy. So much talk of right and wrong good and evil demo and repub. How many will lose faith in the system after the requisite letdowns begin. Yet again. Once the system loses a devotee it may never get that voter back. Once a doe eyed follower gets tired of the face slaps and front handed backhands, it's next to impossible to regain that trust. The system is broken and my vote won't fix it. My vote will only help to perpetuate the lie. Lets get a solutions based solution in place and reboot. Big solutions for big problems. Hire millions, solve war, heal the planet, small farms, recycle fish, promote love and find me a girlfiend. As much sense as it makes, it'll never happen.

Monday, September 10, 2012

View Idea My Starbucks Idea.

I think that the plastic lids at Starbucks should be replaced with multi sized recyclable lids. Billions of lids are ending up in landfills and gyres. It's the lids that are the problem. View Idea

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Save on tons of plastic in landfills.

My Starbucks Idea.The throwaway paper cups have throwaway plastic tops. Reusable screw on tops can be made of tin or plastic and can be personalized, have adverts on them or be made into collectors items.  A design which makes the lid usable on all sizes of paper cups is the best use of materials and with the proper top on the lid it can also serve as a funnel or cup itself.

Lets do a study on the tons of plastic lids that end up in land fills and gyres across the globe and offer a number on the waste tonnage saved by the introduction of the "Multi-use Lid" per year. Also start a project to invite artists from around the world to submit collectible artwork  to go onto these "FunnelIds". We must also come up with a catchy name for proposed "TinkTops". Incentives can be offered to intice sales etc.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dali. Photoshop World Conference.

My fiend Leah took my picture this morn so's she could photo manipulate it into a surrealistic image of myself as Sal Dali with a Snacton hat on. Photo manipulation could be a great way of doing hundreds of posters, tees, cards, gels or whatevers. I could download free tickets to Photoshop World Conference at the Mandalay starting the 5th but am too intimated by the fact that i don't even have a beginners inkling as to the depth of Photoshop. I do have PShop 6.2 but can''t maneuver my way around it to save my eyes. It's on my Sony Vaio anyway so most of the time i dont even have it with me. I remember putting it on my flash drive though and so i might get it onto the Latitude Carryround. Yeah, that's what i'll do.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bacon Brothers~Action Philanthropy.

Snacton, Vermont. That's a small village near the Northern Border. It's an old hamlet up there. An old trading encampment. You wouldn't know it. The Bacon Brothers started a benevolence society back in '21 that helped nomads live with dignity and travel without having to worry about the basics. These brothers were at one time vagabonds themselves and lost one of there own in 1914 for the lack of warmth, food or Phileo love. Jokes were made of the family because the Bacons had none.  By 1919, the remaining 6 made their fortunes in 8 different areas of business and the conglomerate continues to flourish globally to this day. This design is in honor of their inspiration, foresight and indefatigability. $21

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Karma. Do the Right Thing.

When i met the girl from LAB Media i just knew i was on my way with the designs, tech assistance, biz development and friendship we needed to get the buzz going. She let me believe that i could trust her company, her skills and her words. It all started well and then i discovered that i trusted too much, once again. I paid her the $500 before i received any artwork. She, like Juan, talked a good talk and failed to deliver. How can they tempt karma like that? If you are working with a company that wants to help the less fortunate and then disappear before any work is finished, you are a thief of good faith promises and deserve to be punished by the guards of the caring. My mistake for trusting? Sure. Should i have paid in full? No. Will i go forward and succeed? Damn right!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Flake Alert. Speed Friending.

Since i can't figure out how to maintain friendships anymore, i have signed up for a group called SPEED FRIENDING and we meet for the first time on the 30th. We have 3 minutes to ask some questions and make headway towards something like friendship. I makes sense to me. All i need is to meet people who have a desire to meet people and develop beneficial relationships. It sucks that my crew in Sacramento shunned me out. We had a great chance at making a real impact on the planet. Exodus>Genesis.
The new plan is to get a $1,200 4 bedroom 3bath place with a RV pad, 2car garage, big backyard, and more. I can get two roomies that work for me to pay $700 for two of the rooms and help with the running of the bigness. $700 odd is all i need to have the full office, shipping dept, RV guest house and storage space and slave quarters.
Paypal is set up and i have paid the E-commerce site but am having difficulties upgrading to official status. Business cards arrive on Monday. I decided not to put my ph# on the cards because i am driving and don't want tourists calling me for a ride while i have just drifted off the island with a bevy of  beautiful broads bound for Mauritius. We catch enough fish to trade for booze and songs and commence to fixin the tri-maran. Mango Wahoo!
After these 250 cards i may just reconsider that decision so that i can have contact info on both sides of the card.
I now have 300+ followers on Twitter and this is without any contact info or web presence. 200 tweets, 1980 following and 300 trailing. Not bad for 6 weeks.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Twee twits.

My latest tweet @snacton/ SNACTON=GOOD.Rep. our goods and tell all that you have a taste for caring.Soft launch 8+days if all goes right.Givadam!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Snagdon the wall. Smogn fogn.

I need a bulldog to bully these lazy designers to at least do what they agree to do. It seems that if no whip is cracked the work won't get done and worse yet, contact gets broken. Word is there are not enough jobs, foreigners are taking the work, work is getting exported and the work available is menial and beneath the average plebe. Bullogna! Young american workers are a lazy lot looking to rest on the laurels of the generations before them. This isn't gonna work! Since many of our society don't like to communicate, there will be a gap that widens every time a kid gets fired for not hustling to get the job completed in a timely and effective manner. The scrub will become further and further disenfranchised from the establishmentaryan system of doing things and thus become disconnected from the work force, no longer employable.
Truth is, my standards are just higher than others and i need to calm down and just accept that i need to build a team of unexpendables that know what it is i want and just do it. AR@*RG^%GH#!!
Tried to get the StarkRaft smogged and they said NO! $377 so far. If i spend $450 they might give me a waiver for a year. SUX!
Jill Franklin came to town and i'm still recovering from that.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hung all over.

So Jill gets into town yesterday and, being the hoster with the coaster, i buy hella rum, beer and cheese balls. We drank like it was an Olympic event. Ouch$. Drinkin sux. Good catching up though.

Monday, August 13, 2012

140 characters.Tweetalk. No call, no show, NO PROBLEM!

Nowadays i tweet several times on the daily. After only a month of this i see a new sign for what is becoming the dumbing down of America. Twitter is changing the way we spell and thus think. Not only will we no longer need to develop relationships in the interpersonal manner, talking, meeting and being a true friend, we are going to speak in Tweetalk so we can get back to our HHDs quicker. Hand Held Devices are great for getting the anti-social networking done efficiently, but in order to live our daily lives we need two hands. Whats next? Sunglass computer phones with danger sensors, GPS, eye controlled keyboards and sippy straws. We can count on that to be a reality once 20 people die in one week from walking off the edges of cliffs while keeping it real with the world @lrg. When a few trail blazers go crossXeyed from staying on the eye controlled keyboards for too long, it's going to voice recognition technology in a hurry. Progress!)
I should have gone in to work today as it would have been a lucrative Monday, but gnaw, i wanted to Tweet. Blog. swim. pamper the StarkRaft, have a beer and Tweet. Plus i have to get some biz cards made so that i don't waste any more golden opportunities. Paypal is a go and so the photos for the products will be placed on the site within the week? Liftoff! Jill and her co-worker will be arriving on Wednesday for the Rio's Garden Stuff Show and so I would like to hand them something to take with.
I have both laptops out st the library so that i can blog and tweet at the same time. TWEET!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Brown ink on light colored shirts. Snacton Ass.

We did the shirt selection, part 1, today and will get to printing when the shirts arrive. The first run will be on a variety of products and i have some thrift store tees that we'll try and do. Fun stuff! Also the sticker guy, who totally flaked on me 3 months ago, will get another chance to put out some Snactons. I don't know if we are ready to put out the shorts/sweats with SNACTON ASS. on the seat butt we agree that the concept is HOT!
When Pigs grow Butterfly Wings? They Already Do!
It was a good 120 degrees in the Rizide today and this makes me think that saving $500 a month ain't worth the sweat. When i see the stacks of money in the banks, i rethink the discomfort. If it weren't for the sacrifice, i would have no real chance at getting the Snacton up in the air. It's not easy saving up these days, especially in Vegas. Crunk n swaggoo be spensive yo! If i don't save any dough, i can't save anyone. It's totally possible to get this going.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ball droppers. Amani means PEACE in Swahili.

Nearly a done design. I hope the screen printing part of it goes smoothly. The original had some cool Japanese sun rays but for some reason Naj took them out. I think this may be the last design she does for a while.  Only because the money is going to have to go towards fast designs, web presence and printing. Went in to see Justin at 702 Graphics and he hadn't even started on the easiest of the designs. He ain't done shit!! When i asked him when he would get started he said Maybe Monday. MONDAY!! That would be two weeks. I called them and canceled the work. The girl that answered (she never called back yesterday) didn't even try to keep the account open. She just said "OK" and hung up. After702 i went in to see Trev and Bill. Trevor never opened up the file all week either! But we sat down and finished the second design "Bacon Brothers" and will be choosing textiles to print on today. They aren't getting enough business to stay open and Billy, the guy running everything, is looking to get out. I spoke to Trev about working with us and he will have to consider it. An inside tech dude would be most useful. I told him that scoring some market share would be the first step and that his pay would come out of that. I was thinking that if their shop were to close, Snacton could maybe take over the equipment and space and do business as usual and then just phase out all other work and do our thing. I have to do the numbers but when the site goes up i'll share everything with the people.

Monday, August 6, 2012

MLK's flute. Trending friending (pending).

I now have over 210 followers on twitster and yet no real messages to speak of. Many of the messages i receive state that "P. Diddy has sent you a personal message" but thats got to be impossible, right? Dude has like 80 million followers. Must look into that, the @Diddy and the whole #Gaga world. There is also some RT action that people seem to use when begging for tweatention and donations. I'm knocking on the door of something and don't really know whats on the other side. I almost asked for everyone on twitter to make an order but realized that i don't yet have a website or any product to sell on ersatz site. I do know that i need more CA$H.
I took some Awessies to the airport. They were on their way to an Aerosmith concert at the Hollywood Bowl. One of the blokes showed me the flute that Ghandi gave to MLK when they got together in the Punjab. I told him that the Flute Faire was at the Mandalay Bay next week. Dude forced his flute on me and made me take it!! Noice Mate!! I have one week to learn how to use it.
I have a new design line i'm doing on Photoshop. Their Snacton sayings done in the brazier shape or the fish shape. Later is the spectacle shape. I haven't heard from 702 graphics or Sugar since Tuesday and today is Monday next. Designers!(

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympian zeal.

I was a cross country runner in my youth. Oh how i ran. I have a great running style and a faulty breathing routine. I also have a van so running ain't called for. I'm watching the women's marathon and it's at 2:10 into it. 2 miles to go. What persistence it takes to become a long distance runner. Even more to train for marathons and more yet to run one. To be the fastest long distance runner eight years running is Herculean in it's scale.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Clothing company foundations. The Brothers Snacton.

O'neill, Quicksilver, Gordon and Smith, Stussy, Maui and Sons and Lightning Bolt are just a few of the surf street lines that catered to the beach chic lifestyle of the 60's on up. Volcom, Zoo York, Hollister and more continue to rake in mega bucks selling wears to the same markets that i plan on entering. I grew up on many of these brands and am still drawn to beach wear, skate punk looks and street urchin styles. These niches will never go out of style. The other factor of my dream will also live within us all and that is the human desire to help others. I came up with an interesting and effective system for only printing out the items that people want and if i can only get the supporters to buy before i print a short run, we will once again be an industry trailblazer.
Juan, the original e-site designer has contacted me after 3+ weeks of ill communication and tells me that his shop caught on fire. He will call me later??
Snacton has 200+ followers on twitter which only means that the biz model, the idea or the philanthropic direction we have is destined to fill a void in the world.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Comforting to know.

In this time of trying to re-start the need to help others while finding an income for myself, i need to find self assurance and reassurance in order to fight on. This is not difficult for me it's just that it's nicer when help is forthcoming. All my life I remain an outsider and thus have no sounder from which to hear platitudinous encouragement.
It's comforting to know that my ideas are good enough to hold audience with 90% of my audience.
It's comforting to know that people in my past are losing out on my presence and not benefiting from my absence.
It's comforting to know that I am still attractive to objects of the opposite sex and that when i try i can get some.
It's comforting to know that i still have some givadamn left and that i care enough to refine my philanthropic parameters rather than give up on giving it up. 
It's comforting to know that i can potentially raise 100 million$ + yearly and leave behind a perpetual salve producing machine that will be responsible for a great deal of the necessary healing that needs to happen globalocally.
It's comforting to know that everything will be alright even though i will never be comfortable because of the shingle pain and the fear that everything isn't alright.
It's comforting to know that i don't know everything but that i know most everything that i need to know. I know!
It's comforting to know that within a month there will be no more excuses between me and the exposure of me to the advantage of those that care and those that want to care.
It's comforting to know that i have 130 designs on paper and another 450 designs at the ready.
It's comforting to know that no is not an answer that i have to accept.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Oui, Snacton Pupus. Snacton High Divinity.

All Snacton Boars!
After designing the Snacton Pies, i thought i whould start strengthening the connection between the name SNACTON and the uses for the word. The next work might be "Don't Get Snacton". Might not! Not much to report. Saturday in Vegas.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Domino's up and down. Building the bigness.

Putting this soft launch together is like snapping together some Legos. We put all of the parts into place and then stand back and watch the reactions of the passersby. With the merchandise/philanthropy business there are quite a few more moving parts. Not necessarily in this order. There is the design of the logo to start.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7,200 Google search results, up from 7.2

Hashing out the logo is going super quick. Even though today's drafts look nothing like yesterday's, our emails are chopping and hewing down to something we can use in 2 days. I just wish we were in the same room with some tea, crumpets, Bailey"s and fixins. When i did today's Google search i found all kinds of Snacton entries from the very beginning. Youtube, TigWeb, Blogger, and even some comments i had never seen. Twitter is on my facebook and Taking IT Global has twitter feeds or something. Twitter followers are 113 already and i can feel the transmogrification begin. The tat artiste i met at community service will do some stencil work and we can throw some glitter on the glow paint.
Jeff J over in Thailand will be the first international photo on the website. It's SNACT ON Now!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ambercrobbie and Finch. The Hollister Story. Zooo Yoke.

Lifestyle brands are big business. Many of the larger companies are on over a billion in sales. Aeropostale is doing 4+Billions. Hollister is opening stores anywhere it wants. Expensive stores. Hollister is owned by AandFitch and Zooyork is an Ecko owned brand. I have now idea what a company like Snacton would morph into but it would be cooler than anything out there because each design has the goal of making the world better. Grow the brand and make an impact and help the fan base to grow into better and more mature consumers.
The Hollister story is fiction and it goes like this: In the 20's young Hollister decides not to go into papa's business and goes to the west indies to purchase a rubber plantation. He marries the plantation partners daughter after traveling the seas in a 50 foot sailboat for two years. They land in LA and have kids in the 40's. They start importing tropical goods and then in the 60's one of the kids starts the surf clothing and beach lifestyle image of the company. All made up to build an affinity to the 50's/60's upperclass beach comber types looking to represent that look and image. In reality Hollister is less than 10 years old. Every company has a story. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Three days offal. Nude erection.

No response yet from the mysterious Juan Carlos Torres. Silly wascal. Not one to dwell on deserters (ok, i dwell) i just spoke with Nonnie over at LAB Grafix, the design crew from SeaTown and she enjoys helping entrepreneurs get afloat. She too likes mydea. Who wouldn't. Snacton can ~ throw parties, sponsor some fish at a hatchery, brew a vat of stout and re-purpose the wort for artisan naan production, dig a 90 foot hole, shoot clients up into the air with a rubber rope and have them deploy a parachute from 300 feet, video tube a date night and follow up, have a race team in the Brixton 1000, present the Food Truck Hamboree, uild a fort village in the woods, start a tea business, propose Homefree Projects across the world, found the Cook, Clink and Think movement, design the Tower of Power installment, initiate a 50 Instillation "Put Hope in the Hole" Public PhilanthropArt program, make ice cream, open a mobile charcuterie school, build a giant rubber raft and go out to sea and lastly, do whatever we want. She will do a google search on the concept and she what she comes up with.
I have had 3 days off and i think i like the respite.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Welcome little Sophie Davis: 4lbs 11oz.

So Jen Day squirted out a little kitty today and got sweet perfection, just like we knew she would. Nice production Jen. Speakin o which, get back to work, damnit, them cottons ain't gonna pick themselves.

Suspender police. Grown up media team.

My twittoris account got cuffed on account of i was doing a Fred Willard finger on the follow button at Starnuckles for over an hour. By the time i was ready to split i had invited 800 plus strangers to join me. The tweet bastards that run stuff thought i should be punished for being such a slobbering slut, so i was made to stand outside the chicken ranch naked as a Jaybird and overly aPOLLOgetic. SORRY!! Sorry but you made me do it. Sorry but i don't know how to play the game. Mocking the birds i gave, they mocked and defrocked an entire flock behind me. They must do it everyday. Perhaps i will re-enter the pecking order on flyday.
My Craigs list advert. got some ten responses. One that i liked was at from Henderson and it seems as though they are above my station enough to consider. They look expensive yet expansive and they mentioned guerrillas in the markets. I think they are from Seattle because of the Columbia City Theater account. Will call soon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New begins. Tweet Life.

It's been 8 days since Juan the designer has spoken with me. WTF!! His phone has broken so he can only text and i think he cant receive texts. Something like that. Still he could/should call me or email me. He still hasn't sent any design drafts. I hope he isn't one of the flaky ones. 8 days is too many though. I have sent him designs, verbiage, texts, phone messages and emails to no avail. I need some feedback and support. I have $270 for him and this is not a good time for him to lose ground with someone who he is trying to get business from. It's so easy to reach out and string someone along. F!
Spoke to the ex today. 
Worked everyday since the 28th. Ughhh!
Raining into the Rizide. Not too bad. 
The speed friending meetup has 36 people signed up to meet. We should have our meeting this next week. I suggested a place and time so as to get the balls rolling. I need a friend or three to help me with the bigness. Last chance to stay positive. Looking for a cliff over a low tide with one decent sized rock to land on so the crabs can eat me for a change. The higher the better !(
Starting to tweet again. Can't quit the twit.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's been 8 days since Juan the designer has spoken with me. WTF!! His phone has broken so he can only text and i think he cant receive texts. Something like that. Still he could/should call me or email me. He still hasn't sent any design drafts. I hope he isn't one of the flaky ones. 8 days is too many though. I have sent him designs, verbiage, texts, phone messages and emails to no avail. I need some feedback and support.

Twitter twits biggest hits. Dude, wheres my designer?

Back at the twitter finger game. At a mere 140 character spaces the thought must be concise and direct. Having read many tweets without enough runway space to take off, i do the pile on system and just do numerous entries. I'm a righter, damnit!! I was pleasantly surprised to find that i have 15 followers already and i only have 15 tweets posted. Since the idea is to have as many tweekers following as possible you must follow as many as you can. I know it seems strange but that is the way the world is now. Just stay up all night and press "follow" even though there is nothing about following involved. The system demands that you follow, not tweet. There are tweetstars that have only written a few times and only follow a couple sites and yet they have thousands of followers. Some have as many followers as followees and others have only followers and never click follow. How can that be? When i get my smart phone and some designs for sale on the internet i'll be THE tweekster xcited to get out 360 characters in 5 minutes 4 times a day and three times a night.
My designer is a no show for the past 10 odd days. What a deflater. I was super jazzed to see the site up and unfortunately i told others that i was onto something big. Now i am emBareAssed again. Why me? Well there are 2wenty better companies in Vegas that would be happy to be my lead graphics designers. I just feel gut punched is all.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Web site looking best. Design finalization and script additions.

I went and met with Juan and he showed me what he came up with for and I LIKE IT!! He has such a good eyedea of whats cool. We rough drafted 6 designs for a start and we initiated the godaddy hosting process. He has shipping container of white tees of all types so we decided to do the first run with dark inks. I sent him some wording for filler and we meet again on Monday. NOICE!! The designs included tacos, zombies, cards/poker, route 66, discoteque, 18 wheelers, aliens, Vegas and some other stuff. More of the same later. Next is final approval, Paypal, links, color selection, separation, screen burning and printing. These designs will be multi-purpose so paper or fabric choices will have to take place soon. Songwriters: RIDDLE, NELSON
(word & lyrics by bobby troup)
This lyrics are like performed by natalie cole

If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way, take the highway that is best.
Get your kicks on route sixty-six.

It winds from chicago to la,
More than two thousand miles all the way.
Get your kicks on route sixty-six.
[ Lyrics from: ]
Now you go through saint looey
Joplin, missouri,
And oklahoma city is mighty pretty.
You see amarillo,
Gallup, new mexico,
Flagstaff, arizona.
Don't forget winona,
Kingman, barstow, san bernandino.

Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that california trip
Get your kicks on route sixty-six.


Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that california trip
Get your kicks on route sixty-six.
Get your kicks on route sixty-six. 
Get your kicks on route sixty-six.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dimon, Aegis, Prince and Maddof. Crimes against the status.

I'll try again to make a success of myself. As i was telling Charlotte, i'm not myself if i don't try to get successful. I have learned that i can't do anything alone so soon i will have to try and make some efforts to get a few locals interested in building the infrastructure and spreading the biz globally. I can go to the post office twice a day, finalize designs, answer emails, blog, clean the office, feed the pets, garden and think. Others will have to be the face of the company and inspire me to get busy. Since people hate me, i'll be happy to stay in the shadows as the ghost CEO. The silent COO. The Hidden Founder. The Mad Progenitor. One of these times i will have to give up entirely and relinquish myself to a life of relative mediocrity or an existence of unrequited irrelevance, unreconciled. I do have what it takes to get heard though.
It rained today and so i must get to Parvati and make sure she is water tight.
It's July 4 and so i go to see the show.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hooded, sleeveless wife beaters with a phone pocket.

I just deposited all of my cash and chex into the bank. I now have a good $1500 expendable for the website, products, designs and a nice pair of dress slax. That would leave me with $1300 bux for brakes, smog, Rizide work and a prime rib dinner to go. It's nice to have money but it's not funny without honey. I received an email from Juan saying that he has an idea for the idea. I can't wait. I have to choose an official Logo to copy right? For perpetuity.The font we chose was a bold one named Raven Slab. I decided that this would be too masculine for the masses. Something more hermaphroditic would sell better. Also when the main font is too bold, butterflies and kittens don't match well with it. Just something in a medium please.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Labor forces.

Where are the blacks working these days. I mean the American blacks. When in Hong Kong the Nepalese were the imported labor force. Thousands of Nepalese could come over and work/save and perhaps stay on to do the next job. Here in Vegas, Somalis, Ethiopians, Mexicans and Slavics are driving the cabs and Pacific Islanders, Mexicans and Philippine nationals are hard at work in the casinos, construction and landscaping etc. fields. Where are the African Americans, of which there at least 20% in the population, making their money? is being set up tonight. The designer, Juan Carlos, is quite into the concept and gets the basic gist of umbrella company, design centric, action philanthropy and social network idea combining to help worlds. He has been doing design for many years, is from Silicon Valley, has a big shop in Santa Cruz and a small one here in Vegas, does good work for cheap and is a cool dude that lives in Veer Tower East at City Center. Getting closer to the ideal.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The three trillion dollar meltdown. Ale liens and crack witnesses.

Just watched two documentaries. Charles Furgeson's "Inside Job" about the crimes committed by the banking industry which caused the financial destruction of our societies as a whole. Look up the fiscal meltdown, the banking disaster, the economic downturn or the the failure of government to protect the citizens against corporate greed. Billions were made off of the proletariat and 99% of the managers, heads and CFO's got off without any recriminations against them. Not fair. Punishable.

The other doc "i Know what I Saw" was about UFO cover ups. Some of the footage and testimony were thought provoking but i think that we are alone here in the universe. By now we should have some irrefutable evidence that extra terrestrials are amongst us and want to initiate a dialogue of some sort. Obama made some questionable choices when he include Summers and Geitner and Bernanke to handle our money after what happened. Why would he do that? Some heads "earned" hundreds of millions and got away with it scott free. If the president would have just given the public $100 thousand each the problem would have ironed it'self out within a couple of years. Homes would have been paid for or paid off. Home repairs would have raised the values of property and there would have been a great dearth of gardening, auto repair, tutoring, invention, entrepreneurial pursuits, travel, retirement and problem solving. Something has to be done about overpaying executives and turning blind eyes to corporate greed. NOW!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So. Ca. Vegas. Thick headed paleolithic workaholic man.

Dancing migrant cave dwellers emerge from waterholes in the nowhere lands East of Clark county, Nevada and head West to discover Vegas. My latest idea is to dress theatrical types up like throwbacks and have them offer photo opportunities to the interested. Cave People, Cowgirls, Native Americans, Aliens, Sasquatches and Zombies dressed like all of the above will roam the streets and get paid to make faces. I will charge the actors rental fees on the outfitting and pimp them out all over the valley. The temperatures are above 107 at the time so my creative energies are at a seasonal low. That and the fact that i suffer from loneliness ensures that nothing will ever become of this idea or any other. It sucks because this would have been a fun way to spend the days while saving up for global adventures. We could have one of each all lined up and ready to pose singularly or in pairings. Oh the good times we would have had. If only i had some friends. Well, i could start with a ancient valley couple getting the gist of how money works.

I have worked enough days in a row to have sufficiently sapped the energy out of my brain and body. My head is thick with the fog of fatigue and i fear a wreck is imminent. DAY OF OFF!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

D'river. Losing the plot and the keys.

No days off for a month and allzwell. My new habit is one that pays me instead of making me pay. My Sunday was a $341 day and the be4 taxes pay was $135. The tips and side money was 85$. That's a good day. A great day would be 420$ and 150$ in cash. All i need is a grrlfiend and a couple of puppies or vice versa. The Starkraft needs brakes and carpet and radio/air. A new engine would be nice as well. Need more money.
I lost my keys somewhere :(> No biggie but it sux when that happens. ~Update~ I found my Keys!  I have been going to the library and getting movies to watch while i wait for people to get in my cab. XCLNT idea.
Tarred. Must evacuate the bowels, swim, make a samwitch and sleep.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hold your breadth. Feral Again.

There is a referral program at the cabco that pays $200 for every cabbie that lasts over three months. I put 2 adverts in Clist and got 8 queries before i got flagged for trying. I got in contact with each of them and they ones i spoke with are all looking for a job in taxiing. If i get 6 drivers to stay for 3 months that would pay for 30 staycations at the Nomotel. The Nomo only asks $26 a night from Mon. thru Thur. and has free HBO and wifi. Or i could do something with the SNACTON Line.
The other ad. i put in was for a date. I got one scam spam and that was it. I swear to Jah i'll do that speed dating thing if something don't happen here soon.

I was driving to the Trop from the airport and decided to hold my breath. I did the lung expansion exercise and went for over two minutes before i decide that breathing would probably be a good idea. I could have gone longer but i dint want to go all dizzy.

I really should take some time out and clean the Rizide up a bit or two. It would improve my mental state, outlook and chances.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Without Privilege. Sense of Untitlement.

I picked up a Welsh couple at the Tropicana and took them to Bloomingdale's for some pre-flight shopping. Upon payment they gave me an 8 pac of Budweiser shorts. I carried them around until shifts end, imagining them bouncing around in the hot trunk. After work i went food shopping and then to the Rizide. I put the beers in the freeze, went swimming and drank three beers in quick sucksessions. The inside temperature was nearing 120 degrees and so the hot nap was most restful and Bud aided sleep in the heat is always the best. I awoke at 1030 to the super-heated beer gasses and deep fried pig skins loudly trying to escape out me rear hatch.  I puckered and thought of doing an emergency jettison drill. The isht bucket was under a couple of boxes and that would enTail lifting so I thought better of that and dressed for work. It's my day off and i can't go in till 3am. The drive to the Tropicana bordered on the disastrous. In that i have no access to the in house poo loo i am living a dangerous life when combining beer, beans, fried goods and broccoli beef with fermented black bean over tofu. Must look for better shituation. Damn Welsh.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fifteen Straight 12's. Entre Maneur. Fathers Daze..

I went to the foam store and got the price on a 5x3x12 blank. $80 for each one. That blank is going to have to be carved, painted glued and covered in nylon before going onto the strip. Maybe $200 each. It's 110 in the shade these days so wearing a 20 pound foam suit covered in paint, glue and nylon is going to be a hard sell. I can do this ear business.
I'm on fifteen straight shifts and have nigh on $1.9K saved for something.
My biggest regret in life is not having any children. I would have been a successful father and husband if I would only have impregnated and married the first girl i loved.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gambling University. Money, a known object.

Now that i confess to Jah Calendah, i can keep track of my gamblin losses a little better. Today i lost $70 and yesterday i won $70. Even. My estimate is that i am only down $200 to $400. Not horrible for traipsing on the dangerous paths of the city built by winsome losers. If i could, i would gamble full time, meaning i would win a grand a day. Easy enough if money were an object i knew and knew well. I put a thousand dollars into the bank today and will have another 11 hundred by Monday next. If i continue with this game of "All work and no play makes the Bacon tender", I will have 3 grand in Rand by the end of August. It would be more but who are we kidding, something will give. My engine could break, my will could crack or i could break and get some crack from Will, ingenuously.
Tomorrow i call the foam guy and start talks about the Eye Dear. One black ear and one Caucasian? Glow in the dark ears with GPS tracking systems built in. Ears with bank safes and ATMs within. I have been trying the idea out on some of my fares and they all like the concept. Ears looking at you kid.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Calendar boy. Game, set and

I will be quitting the online dating game on the fifteenth of June. It hurts too much, the truth. Chicks don't get me online. I have sent out over a hundred appeals and received nothing but repeals. I am sending out my number and letting the girls know that the balls are in their courts. No takers of my heart. I will wink at all of the cutest ladies in hopes that one will be super stoked. Three days till I admit to meeting my match.
I got a desk calendar when i got the desk job and never used it because i never used my desk. Now i am logging all of my earnings daily and taking out the expenditures. This is how to play the game. When i get up in the morning i think about the entry i'll be making at days end. If i dont want to go to work i think about the calendar. The calendar is my boss and teacher. The calendar is my friend and inspiration. The calendar is my impetus and my brow beater. The calendar is my reminder and my memory.

Haight and Assbury. Hate ease. Mad Hater.

I hate loud stoopid people with hot girlfriends. I hate shingles. I hate that God hates me. I hate women that like loud and disrespectful stoopid dudes. I hate my head scars. I hate reading half a book and not finding it fit to finish. I hate not having it sorted out. I hate fearing failure. I hate failure. I hate lazy people that have it made. I hate that my head scar leaks when i eat something i love. I hate laziness that kills hope. I hate liars that don't get caught out. I hate haters. I hate being awesome and being the only one in my circle. I hate chronic life long nerve pain. I hate that negativity rules. I hate the decisions i have made. I hate that others regret my decisions. I hate losing at blackjack. I hate the black smoke that emits from my tailpipe. I hate that Peacemeal never caught on. I hate that i never had kids. I hate nothing.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Like, stuff i like and stuff.

I like flowers when they're just starting to die. I like watching bugs interact. I like looking at people's reflections when they're looking at mine. I like the way my van runs after its been washed and dried. I like getting cash from strangers. I like wearing clothes that i got a long time ago for cheap. I like the best dollar menus. I like the cool of the pool after contemplating for too long jumping in. I like dollar Tuesdays at the movies. I like the Mandalay Bay from McCarran just as the sun rises. I like my chances. I like falling in love with girls at first contact. I like playing the saving game and winning. I like the way dogs shake the water off of them and run around before getting all dirty again. I like getting calls from people i call to talk to. I like getting off of work and having the next day off if i choose. I like turkey burgers. I like when people say "you're in the wrong business". I like when the wind blows so hard no one can open their eyes for fear of losing sight. I like threatening to have a beer and a shot. I like the view from on high. I like being saved. I like shortcuts. I like being high in the woods. I like gardens. I like not being hooked on smoke. I like the way Parvati is like a million dollar palace on a million dollar lot when i'm asleep. I like being smarter than most people. I like driving like a real pro and having the reality of the perfect record to back me up. I like new porn. I like being a nice guy with a short fuse. I like when other people fight. I like when my shingle pain is so intense my eyes close and my head cocks to the right. I like dancing. I like fantasizing about a happy life, knowing that the fantasy is attainable. I like ideas. I like it when girls fall for me within minutes of meeting me. I like watching a cat clean it'self for the first or last time. I like  I like my job, now. I like reminiscing about the high water marks of my life. I like writing. I like leaving for work. I like waterfalls and lighthouses. I like the way birds are so serious. I like learning stuff and stuff. I like remembering things i shouldn't remember, sometimes. I like knowing how to be a friend that listens. I like second kisses. Like, i like liking.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What i fear.

What i fear is many. I fear that God really exists and that he is pissed at me. I fear that i am too smart for my own good. I fear that i be stoopid not to dumb down. I fear that i will spend the rest of my life alone. I fear my own past. I fear that no one will ever read my writing. I fear that i will never own another pet because i am not capable of love. I fear that politics is not real. I fear that the decision makers are making bad decisions and that the people that are supposed to say no are too stoopid t know to say it. I fear that i might marry my ex-wife and divorce her again. I fear the bad auto wreck. I fear having to work for someone else forever. I fear fear it'self. I fear trying something new. I fear my van breaking and me having to ride my bike for transportation. I fear my bike breaking. I fear not getting tips from my cab riders. I fear $40 dollar days. I fear the miss pellings. I fear clipping my fingernails too close. I fear bugs crawling into my ears and laying eggs on my brains. I fear losing limbs from stoopid mistakes. Mostly arms.  I fear that God aint done with me yet. I fear the good days are behind me and that i will never again be in a hammock with my sweetie. I fear not writing a book. I fear anonymity. I fear the people i know. I fear my kindness is too debilitating. I fear that my family is mediocre and likes it. I fear rejection from pretty girls. I fear not trying to get pretty girls. I fear paying full price for anything. I fear not needing anyone. I fear my friends is tired of my fears. I fear i don't get it. I fear people fear me. I fear that the predicaments i find myself in are the fault of my friends not liking me. I fear i am out of chances. I fear i fear. I fear losing my voice. I fear riding on the street away from the flow of traffic. I fear getting a ticket for riding on the sidewalk where no people are using it. I fear possums. I fear running out of gas late at night without a gas can. I fear God is a creation of mean people. I fear that i will meet a chick and fall for her then hate her. I fear not owning my own property again. I fear high interest rates. I fear the headaches are something growing in my head. I fear hip replacements. I fear no one will ever understand my shingle pain. I fear meeting someone with shingle pain worse than mine. I fear spilling this hot coffee on my crotch and not getting $800 thousand in cash. I fear not getting my Rizide smogged. I fear that i haven't hooked up my stereo. I fear checking my online dating account. I fear i have to get back to work.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The ex. Koh Phangan. Banglampoo.

I met my wife in Banglampoo, also known as Kaosan Road in Bangkok, Thailand. I was there to blow some dough and get some chicks. My friend from Seattle, Maureen, was teaching English there and was the perfect guide cuz she spoke Thai and was quite cool. I should have tried to hit on her but did not. She might have been the one i married had i have tried :)        I had loads of money from the Hong Kong jobs and nothing but time. I was meant to return to Seattle with $18k. Maureen had a few friends there and we would get together for drinks and meals. It was the 4th of July and one of the girls birthday parties when Tania and i met. We fell for each other quickly and moved in the next day. I got sick the night we met and she took care of me. We were together ever since. That was 1997. We married in 2001 and split in 2004. She was cool sometimes but, and she will agree with this, she tended to pick fights for reasons unknown to me. I did'nt like that about her.  I forgave her many times in hopes that she would change, but no. We had some some great times though. one of the great weeks was spent on Koh Prang Yang in Thai, not long after we met. It was so romantic. We wanted for nothing and the love we forged was it'self forged of love. Damn, she was the last one i truly loved. She goes in for the first of her hip surgeries today, poor girl. Last i spoke with her i could hear the fear in her voice. Not just the fear of the knife but the fear of never having love like she had with me. That kind of love is a rare and valuable thing.

Extra bored. Step away from the collage.

I was going over some of my fotos in order to pick one for a profile shot for a meetup group i will be updating you on in the future and discovered something. I have a type. Somehow the computer saved all of the pics of the gals i had emailed for love. There are way too many. The ladies i took the time out to impress are generally non black, 5'0 to 5'5, pretty and not interested in a guy like me. The gallery is quite telling. In the beginning the girls are all slender, whitish, 5'1 t 5'3, making $75k+ and without children. The latter ladies are taller, poorer, more ethnically diverse and have kids. My standards are changing. Soon i will be reaching out to the tall and fat old black lady who lives in a shoe box.
At the taxi co. there is thing called extra board. That means you walk in and get a cab after all the regulars get theirs. That's what i am these days. Since i quit, i lost my weekends only shift. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, in fact it can be quite the coup. I can take all the days off i want and work all the shifts i need. I don't even have to call in.
I came up with a cool phone application after some taxi driver left his Samsung Galaxy 2 in the cab. I was in my cab after eating breakfast at the Ellis Isle and he knocked on my window. He had an app that showed him exactly where the phone was. To the millimeter. He followed me all over town and just missed me several times. I was really moving and had 15 rides by the time he caught up to me. I had already called the a number to try to find the owner so he knew i wasn't a thief. My idea is to create an app that i sell to two groups; drivers and cab users. Sometimes there are 200 people waiting out in the weather for a ride. Any ride. This can take an hour or more. When you need a ride use the app to get a driver (any one with the driver app) to pick you up at  a certain spot. The driver gets clicks telling him where to go and get a specific fair. Using GPSystems and google maps a price can be pre negotiated and even paid for after certain hoops are jumped through for both. There will be an honor points system, a comment page and an assurance that the transaction will go smoothly. The drivers will pay $60 for three months of usage and the price will go up for newbies and down for trail blazers. The customers will also have a rating system so that if they flake too many times they will be red flagged. This will take the power out of the cab co. and create incomes for millions of drivers.
It's doable.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The puppy lure. Kicks Tart.

I am not beyond using a pooch to get a date. "You wanna walk my dawg?" I saw the cutest Husky pup on clist. He was only nine weeks strong and had the bluest baby eyes. Black and furry is not what i wanted but did i mention how cute this thing is. $60 bucks and he could be mine. I'm thinking more short haired and red. I also saw a ranch style house with a pool and wi-fi for only $400. It's pup friendly and has it's own bathroom. $400!! I was thinking how much better of a deal i could get if i was a couple with a cute puppy. There are some big master suites with pool, patio, rv parking and gads more for only $600 per.
I placed an ad in clist looking for help with my Kickstarter projects. So far no response but it was only a few hours ago. The documentary idea has to do with getting the flotsam collected by homeless, itinerant or otherwise eccentric geniuses and make the scribblings  come to life. Videos, scrapbooks, scratchings and artwork of more miserables are often hiding insights otherwise left un-pondered. Lets bring these treasures into the light. When a person loses nearly everything, whats left is all that is right in their world.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lan Kwai Fong. Love Punk.

I'm selling the Stark Raft while its  running smoothly. I just got the full tune up, oil change, starter, oil relay switch, injectors, throttle body cap and rotor. I also now have five tires that match, size wise. She purrs like a cougar in warmth. I figure i could spend another three grands on the windshield rubber, the gas gauge, the interior, the exterior and the stereos and air-cons but i could dump her for $1500 to a collector of fat vans. Maybe i will get the air done though, and the stereos. CRAP!!
I just found out that the label Love Pink is now owned by Victoria's Secret. They must be on 30mil$ a quarter. They;re stuff is everywhere. The Snacton's line of copy wear is called Live Punk and the connected charity gives cash to disenchanted ex punkers with debilitating habits. Our wolf cry would go something like "hey we're punk but we're still alive, dammit". Punk Bowling Fest was this week. Bloody good!
 Simply Fabulous! We have soo much in common already. I love that little tea stone tea house in the cove. Good memories there. Also I was an engineer on the "Beetle" building in Hong Kong. Your picture show it quite prominently. Lan Kwai Fong for blues and tequila will always bring a smile. Consider me for a chat and a potential freindship, you won't regret my devotion. Grounded by flight, Tony. Last week, i emailed a chick that had pictures of the stone tea house on Lake Tahoe and the Beetle on Kowloon Harbour, both of which i have a history with. I mentioned Lan Kwai Fong, a hip spot i highly recommend to anyone visiting Hong Kong. I think she has checked out my Match profile a few times but hasn't the guts or desire to holla back. Today i emailed another chick who actually mentioned Lan Kwai Fong. I hope she has the balls to hazard a reply. Love Pinpink. Lan Kwai Fong for blues, sushi and tequila. Sydney for dinner and corkings. 26 meters down for sightseeing and a quick smooch. I am still intrigued by your style of writing and sense of style. It's as though you were asking for me by name. We've got to meet! Though i am not a six footer, i do walk softly and carry a big stick. Shoot some pool? Share some stories? I won't say another word until you let me know you're listening, Tony B.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Behind the Laughter.

Mon key to true happiness.
Real talk. I haven't been happy, truly happy, for years. I wonder whether or not i am not happy because i am weird, or weird because i am debilitated by a deep sadness. Am i lonely because i am depressed or depressed because i am not able to maintain friendships? Am i incapable of maintaining relationships or am i not interested in people? People disappoint. Friends don't know how to love me long term. Am i happy to be alone or am i invisible and thus just dealing with oneness the best that can be expected. Am i laughing or am i acting. Real talk, i am really laughing because i am really funny. I am a really good friend because i am really good and friendly. I do fear intimacy and that must be because i am afraid that people fear my intimidation and subsequently, me. If you give me a chance, you might like me and we can't have that can we?.
Cat claws? No thanks!
I went to court today for the Vegascabbie offence. They gave me 5.5 hours of community service at the non-profit of my choice. I want to do an animal shelter. I want an animal. Dog, cat, monkey or pangolin. I prefer the pangolin because they require the least attention. Monkeys are a barrel full and dogs shit all over the yard. Cats are cool but don't need people and their smile is not always genuine. Dogs have a need for people and when they smile, they mean it. Pangolins dont have a smile and monkeys have the cutest, human like smiles. Cats bury their shit, monkeys throw their shit and pangolin shit can be made into bling and sold on the open market. Dogs protect by biting and barking, pangolins hide underground and only come out at night, monkeys will party with anyone and domesticated cats are useless. Cats are feline and dogs are mans best friends.
Do the carpets match the drapes? Yup!
I think i'll get a girlfriend who has a monkey face.

Quitters often never win. Vegascabbie. Erains.

I met some cool folks over there at PRR. Within two days i new everyone's name. There were 18 in my class. I sat in the back so i remembered by hearing and caring to know. My favorites were Tami Hill, Thomas Davis, Jasmine Fields, Angela Johnson and Mary Elayne Rains. I had more faves but...

Ear to the Ground. My Ear of Living Dangerously.

The eardea has gotten new legs. I Googled costumed panhandlers in Vegas and found that many of these take in $300 a day in tips. Now i don't know what they mean by day and i don't know what they take in per year but i haven't made 3 blz in a day in yonks. Estimating in the median, that's a good nine hunnies a week and $400 on the weekend for me alone. I get two suits made and charge $40 a day for the 5 day week and thats 6K per month. The downsides printed about costumed panhandlers were minimum and the upsides were about the same. I think a great big ear has more to do with Vegas than Batman does. Don't you?
I see today as being my last at PRR. I don't want to quit another job but in order to get my bonus, i have to make at least tenK in collections and be here for a month. Even if i got ten thousand today, i would be hard pressed to harass folks for another 19 days just to get the $200 dollar bonus. Yes 2%. Now if i were the type, there could be $40 grand in it per year, eventually, but, really, i ain't the one to make a thousand phone calls just to take $400 in bonuses. Plus half of my team is interested in the work and even they won't last through the bonus check. One team was waiting to find out who they're manager was going to be. She was in our class, just starting out. No experience at PRR! My manager has been there for 3 months. Our trainer's last day after 2.5 years was Friday. She was quite distracted during her last training session what with the big job interview, her son's illness, her sons two sports and school ending and her 3 big dogs attacking the elderly. Not the best training, but good enough to get us onto the floor. Driving cab in Vegas From June to September is actually quite a nice gig. Especially if experienced.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Dia de la Memorial. Snacton Sushi Trux Cool. Human Experience.

Chef Snacton's Sushi Uni.
Sushimi has to be cold. People have to have sashushmi. Sushami is expensive. People will pay to learn how to make sashisushi in my ice truk filled with cool fish and hot saki. Also the finished product will be inexpensive because we will be getting paid to teach the methods and not paying a landlord. Triple win!!!
Netflixing "The Human Experience". Altruistic young New Yorkers  seeking to give and receive answers concerning what it is to give a care about others. Good premise.
Uni de la Urchin.
Today is Memorial day. I am alone. I love sushi. I have worked 36 hours this long weekend. I deserve something nice. Sushi is within 20 meters of my mouth and nose. Uni in my universe. Maybe. I am alone.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Id Ears. Ear chives. New Car Ear.

Kiss your ear good bye. The newest dire erection is rising up to hit me in the face. I met a dude on the bus and he told me that he makes grips renting out costumes to folks that go onto the strip and panhandle the tourists. He does the Mario Brothers costumes and others do Hell No Kitty, Trans Formerly Employed , Spider Dude, Bat Bro, Mick y Mouse and Zack Guyafianakis holding a baby. My idea is "Ear Bud".
Ears are funny, thought provoking, naughty and most of all, they're Vegas. What happens in Vegas, stays in your ear. Tell me your secrets or don't but it's the photo that counts. I make a face and it tells the story. I get others who can make faces and hold up a sign that says something funny that has to do with an ear and charge $3 to $4 and stow the dough. I drove the cab over to the foam shop on Sahara and they told me where to go. I want to get four ears made. Two on South strip, 1 for Fremont at night and one extra. If the orejas are well made they could be worth thousands. Heaters in the winter and coolers in the summer. The backs can be exposed in the summer and covered in the winter. Snap on options? 6 feet high and 3' wide, guaged or ear rings, brown or pink. Cauliflowered? I can drive cab part time and drink part time! Ch Ears!!

Ill Legal Collections. Liti Gators. You've not been served.

I've known for years that the credit card industry was poorly conceived and managed by the employed. I was aware that the interest rates levied were of a mechanical mother and a mindless father. I knew that the various departments that should be serving our best interest weren't purposed with informing us as to the grave danger we are in each month. When the interest rate goes up 25% overnight and no email is sent or no beeper alarm goes off, balls are dropped. It is the debtors fault, sho nuff, but if we are intent on paying the bill and have been doing so instead of attending to our vices, we should get a courtesy call. I don't have to speak to a live person, just send an auto beep that says "DUDE, the ax is fixed to be heading your way". If we miss a payment cut us some slack. Don't cut our heads off. Charge us $5 bucks and lets move on to the next payment. I was living in my Rizide and was still paying the note each month, for a year. Then in April of 2011 something happened and the rate went up from 0 to 25% with no human involved. Convenient to the industry because they can let the machine dismember it's members, but sucky to it's dissed non-remembering ex-members. Bad business on my part i know, but reign in the monsters you've created to do your dirty work. I've been paying 25% for a year! FFF!!!
The new job over at PRA is working against the principles of fair or lending or collecting. We sue people with no money. We set the law dawgs out onto the folks trying to hold on to their dignity. True, some of these slackers are out to bleed the system, but others got sick, lost their jobs, went mad or got sidetracked. I say that if they are willing to pay, let them work on it. My team manager is quite heartless and thus, i must not serve to reward this Golem of a system.