Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ear to the Ground. My Ear of Living Dangerously.

The eardea has gotten new legs. I Googled costumed panhandlers in Vegas and found that many of these take in $300 a day in tips. Now i don't know what they mean by day and i don't know what they take in per year but i haven't made 3 blz in a day in yonks. Estimating in the median, that's a good nine hunnies a week and $400 on the weekend for me alone. I get two suits made and charge $40 a day for the 5 day week and thats 6K per month. The downsides printed about costumed panhandlers were minimum and the upsides were about the same. I think a great big ear has more to do with Vegas than Batman does. Don't you?
I see today as being my last at PRR. I don't want to quit another job but in order to get my bonus, i have to make at least tenK in collections and be here for a month. Even if i got ten thousand today, i would be hard pressed to harass folks for another 19 days just to get the $200 dollar bonus. Yes 2%. Now if i were the type, there could be $40 grand in it per year, eventually, but, really, i ain't the one to make a thousand phone calls just to take $400 in bonuses. Plus half of my team is interested in the work and even they won't last through the bonus check. One team was waiting to find out who they're manager was going to be. She was in our class, just starting out. No experience at PRR! My manager has been there for 3 months. Our trainer's last day after 2.5 years was Friday. She was quite distracted during her last training session what with the big job interview, her son's illness, her sons two sports and school ending and her 3 big dogs attacking the elderly. Not the best training, but good enough to get us onto the floor. Driving cab in Vegas From June to September is actually quite a nice gig. Especially if experienced.

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