Monday, May 21, 2012

No home privileges. Politicks. Default consultant.

The new gig is still proving difficult. Training is going well and my p.r. team thinks i will be a superstar in the field, but my typing skills make me think otherwise. All i have to do is look around the classroom for reassurance. I'll be OK. What we do is call people whose loans are in default, tell them they are at risk of being sued and attempt to collect on the loan. We get a cut of the take and the better we get the more we make. Folks are taking in $1600 in bonuses on the regular. The high last month was $2800 and i can skid by on $1200 so...
I have a biting issue. I'm getting snact on by something and have yet to see the chigger that's taking liberties with my flesh. Dang.
I subscribe to and leave the occasional comment. Some of the surveys have been: Can Jennifer Aniston play a drug addicted hooker role? What up with the George Zimmerman shooting? What do you think of the "anyone but Obama mentality"? I wrote in on the Obama question out of shock that a great number of Americans would rather vote in a convicted criminal than him. Well here is my comment. "Don't let politics get in the way of our chances of getting out of this recession and enjoining the future. The future is going to require a forward thinking leader that people like. Regaining our prominence and honor is not a 1 term job. The ship is going FORWARD and the actions that were began or are not yet started will suffer greatly by changing command. The "anyone but our current president" sentiment is narrow sighted and, in my opinion, quite dangerous to the inertia we've built. Pinochet, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Hitler and other leaders were killing, starving or otherwise harming millions of there own people and deserved the hatred they received, but our president is effectively making positive changes. The world is having stomach cramps and changing the medicine just to try something else could be fatal. What i tell those that say changing horses in the middle of the river is "don't". What i tell people that want a new president is "you may just win'!  In this day and age the leader of America needs to be a worldly, knowledgeable, ebullient, suave, bold and charismatic person who has a draw for as many people as possible. Romney is not that guy. In modern times the leaders will be able to unite anb fight for all."
I don't have house privileges and so have to go and find another place. I took this place before i got the new gig so iut was a different time. The pool is nice, the landlord will fix my van, the price is $50 a week, it's quiet, the Parvahti is happy to be there and it's easy enough to get to work. But a shower situation, wi-fi, kitchen use and a normal life would be nice to sufficing. If dude helps me to fix the gas problems and i find a place closer to work, i'm outta there. I showered at work the other Wednesday and will do so again this week. The weekend saw me working the cab and the money was good. How do people make it on an $8 an hour job? Do they? Shaved at Starbux today. Noice!!

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