Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jens Pulver. Tony Stark. Junior Seau.

Even though Iron Man (Tony Stark) had loads of money, attention and adoration, he was incomplete for the lack of affection from his father. The scene in Iron Man 2 where his father speaks to him by way of celluloid touch is quite the gift, not only to Tony but to the world. Make a special effort, Regularly, to prove your love to your loved ones.
I saw Jr. Seau's mother crying out to her son asking him why he took his own life without first saying "help". His mother will forever suffer the cruel quietness her son chose to use. Talk to your mother when you hurt.
Jens's father was a total tyrant and still Jens will forever be incomplete for the lack of any patriarchal love and affection. It seems as though any amount of positive attention would have helped to channel the negative energy away and normalize the boys childhood. Call the police on the bad people. Get the evil out.
I am reminded of the baby monkey choosing the wire mother with the skin of terry cloth over the wire mother devoid of any warmth but giving of rewards. We would rather have the warmth of love and starve than be fed and denied compassion. Reach out and touch someone. Really.
With Snacton, a large emphasis will be placed on education basics. What to do, how to be, where to go, what to use, when to speak, how to say, who to follow. Perhaps the most import lesson is the why of it all. If you act a certain way a certain reaction is sure to make you react with action. Live with your pants halfway down your legs and you can't assist everyone.

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