Friday, November 9, 2012

I fear success for i don't want to see myself let my success fail.

I haven't called Godaddy to get the Snacton site up and running as my go to .com. In hindsight, i think that if i had the site up a number of realities would rear up. No visitors would look to see what i have concerned myself with. I would have no time to improve the site. I would get the site up and then my web designer would disappear. My site would attract all the right attention and i would be found out to be a founderer of the highest order, failing to keep up with all of the demand and demands commanded of me. Success is it's own reward, yes, but failure,?, failure is a warm, safe and quiet place where the sniggerers can't find me amongst the myriad reflections of other falterers who have landed there before me. Us. No website, no problem. There is strength in being number.

1 comment:

  1. Thats some floicious phraseology. Snacton's founder has some mind to mind.
