Monday, June 4, 2012

Extra bored. Step away from the collage.

I was going over some of my fotos in order to pick one for a profile shot for a meetup group i will be updating you on in the future and discovered something. I have a type. Somehow the computer saved all of the pics of the gals i had emailed for love. There are way too many. The ladies i took the time out to impress are generally non black, 5'0 to 5'5, pretty and not interested in a guy like me. The gallery is quite telling. In the beginning the girls are all slender, whitish, 5'1 t 5'3, making $75k+ and without children. The latter ladies are taller, poorer, more ethnically diverse and have kids. My standards are changing. Soon i will be reaching out to the tall and fat old black lady who lives in a shoe box.
At the taxi co. there is thing called extra board. That means you walk in and get a cab after all the regulars get theirs. That's what i am these days. Since i quit, i lost my weekends only shift. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, in fact it can be quite the coup. I can take all the days off i want and work all the shifts i need. I don't even have to call in.
I came up with a cool phone application after some taxi driver left his Samsung Galaxy 2 in the cab. I was in my cab after eating breakfast at the Ellis Isle and he knocked on my window. He had an app that showed him exactly where the phone was. To the millimeter. He followed me all over town and just missed me several times. I was really moving and had 15 rides by the time he caught up to me. I had already called the a number to try to find the owner so he knew i wasn't a thief. My idea is to create an app that i sell to two groups; drivers and cab users. Sometimes there are 200 people waiting out in the weather for a ride. Any ride. This can take an hour or more. When you need a ride use the app to get a driver (any one with the driver app) to pick you up at  a certain spot. The driver gets clicks telling him where to go and get a specific fair. Using GPSystems and google maps a price can be pre negotiated and even paid for after certain hoops are jumped through for both. There will be an honor points system, a comment page and an assurance that the transaction will go smoothly. The drivers will pay $60 for three months of usage and the price will go up for newbies and down for trail blazers. The customers will also have a rating system so that if they flake too many times they will be red flagged. This will take the power out of the cab co. and create incomes for millions of drivers.
It's doable.

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