Thursday, August 23, 2012

Flake Alert. Speed Friending.

Since i can't figure out how to maintain friendships anymore, i have signed up for a group called SPEED FRIENDING and we meet for the first time on the 30th. We have 3 minutes to ask some questions and make headway towards something like friendship. I makes sense to me. All i need is to meet people who have a desire to meet people and develop beneficial relationships. It sucks that my crew in Sacramento shunned me out. We had a great chance at making a real impact on the planet. Exodus>Genesis.
The new plan is to get a $1,200 4 bedroom 3bath place with a RV pad, 2car garage, big backyard, and more. I can get two roomies that work for me to pay $700 for two of the rooms and help with the running of the bigness. $700 odd is all i need to have the full office, shipping dept, RV guest house and storage space and slave quarters.
Paypal is set up and i have paid the E-commerce site but am having difficulties upgrading to official status. Business cards arrive on Monday. I decided not to put my ph# on the cards because i am driving and don't want tourists calling me for a ride while i have just drifted off the island with a bevy of  beautiful broads bound for Mauritius. We catch enough fish to trade for booze and songs and commence to fixin the tri-maran. Mango Wahoo!
After these 250 cards i may just reconsider that decision so that i can have contact info on both sides of the card.
I now have 300+ followers on Twitter and this is without any contact info or web presence. 200 tweets, 1980 following and 300 trailing. Not bad for 6 weeks.

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