I need a bulldog to bully these lazy designers to at least do what they agree to do. It seems that if no whip is cracked the work won't get done and worse yet, contact gets broken. Word is there are not enough jobs, foreigners are taking the work, work is getting exported and the work available is menial and beneath the average plebe. Bullogna! Young american workers are a lazy lot looking to rest on the laurels of the generations before them. This isn't gonna work! Since many of our society don't like to communicate, there will be a gap that widens every time a kid gets fired for not hustling to get the job completed in a timely and effective manner. The scrub will become further and further disenfranchised from the establishmentaryan system of doing things and thus become disconnected from the work force, no longer employable.
Truth is, my standards are just higher than others and i need to calm down and just accept that i need to build a team of unexpendables that know what it is i want and just do it. AR@*RG^%GH#!!
Tried to get the StarkRaft smogged and they said NO! $377 so far. If i spend $450 they might give me a waiver for a year. SUX!
Jill Franklin came to town and i'm still recovering from that.
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