Monday, April 2, 2012

Boars Breadth. The Crooked Boar. Snacton T. Moore's Acting Free Boars.

It's all about making the design match the font and revealing the anti-negativity message within the graphics. A week of work should equal out to about a half run of product so a month should see the delivery of at least two partial runs or even 4 product intros. With proper biz planning we can initiate a formulaic process which allows the buyer to choose a pattern and, depending upon the sizer of the order, have the first run of that design. This way we can just design all the time and save the printing for when an order is requested. Since our theme is negativity bashing, boars are an excellent choice for a company mascot.
I should enroll in a Photoshop/Gimp class or at least have some plan for approaching the students with jobs to do. My dream is to be designing at will, anywhere in the world and with the next order of action no mystery. THE TEAM WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO! Bully to Snacton.

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