I got an email yesterday from a group called Creators. It's a pretty good sized non profit that gets people creating positive energy. The email was an epology for sending a test which simply said "test bitchez"! What!? Dude pressed the wrong buttons and then sent the email to the entire network. Stoopid! The big news is the Secret ServeUs frequenting houses of ill repute while they should be concentrating on defending our nation. Of course men love women. Of course prostitution is legal in Columbia and many other countries and no crime was committed . Off course these yabbos should know how to whore monger after 80 years of hitting the town after work. Don't bring her back to camp when you are on the pre-arrival detail. Don't show her where the President will be staying. Don't do it in large groups and if you do P.T.L.. Pay the lady her $50 chips and think tight lips cuz loose lips sink ships. Stoopid!! I do believe that there is a dumbing down of the human race. Why is another post but we are not as thinkative as used to be. SNACTON will make helping others simpler for the simpler of us. Just buy a sticker.
Watched a Netflix called "Big Sur" and it endeared me to the California Condor, the Cougar and the Sea Otter. These animals and many otters will be featured in Snacton designs. Pangolin. Honey Badger. Gnat Catcher. Rubber Snake. Pole Cat. Wild Boar.
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