Todo listo means "totally ready" en espanola. Tomorrow is my job interview at and if do well i should know within a couple days whether or not i can tell the taxI company that i want to work weekends and walk-in shifts only. I will find out if this decision to get a career is a huge mistake or not. If i stay driving cab, i will be unhappy, so some big company giving me a chance to rise up from a cubicle is at least a chance at glee. Stay tuned. I should get up to my brothers place to gather all of my possessions for the storage unit. Yard sale? I still have just about everything that i had when i lost the house. This is a major accomplishment in that i have made enough money to prevent a desperation sale. Thing is, i have too much stuff i don't need until i get rid of stuff i think i might need later and then don't have. I blame my mother for my pack rat mentality. No shame though because my mother would always have that necessary thing in a corner somewhere and would miraculously retrieve it with a smile. 5ive snorkel-fin-mask sets is maybe one too many though. Todo listo means to do list in Snacton Spanglish.
I have been collecting my taglines and long to make a short list from the long. Living in Vegas is perfect for trying out my Snacton Vending Machines concept which will put product into 24 hour auto dispensers. The NAVMA (vending machine people) was in town for a show at the Sands Convention Center and lent hope that this concept is a good one. Tees, dress shirts, roll-up shoes, saris, hats etc. will be stocked and carried to all corners of the world. My apartment complex is a roach nest with no internet. Rent is a waste of money anyway!!
When you see the word SNACTON you are witnessing an effort to increase the presence of positivity. We have some very big ideas so jump in when you think you can help.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Are people getting stoopider or is it just me?
I got an email yesterday from a group called Creators. It's a pretty good sized non profit that gets people creating positive energy. The email was an epology for sending a test which simply said "test bitchez"! What!? Dude pressed the wrong buttons and then sent the email to the entire network. Stoopid! The big news is the Secret ServeUs frequenting houses of ill repute while they should be concentrating on defending our nation. Of course men love women. Of course prostitution is legal in Columbia and many other countries and no crime was committed . Off course these yabbos should know how to whore monger after 80 years of hitting the town after work. Don't bring her back to camp when you are on the pre-arrival detail. Don't show her where the President will be staying. Don't do it in large groups and if you do P.T.L.. Pay the lady her $50 chips and think tight lips cuz loose lips sink ships. Stoopid!! I do believe that there is a dumbing down of the human race. Why is another post but we are not as thinkative as used to be. SNACTON will make helping others simpler for the simpler of us. Just buy a sticker.
Watched a Netflix called "Big Sur" and it endeared me to the California Condor, the Cougar and the Sea Otter. These animals and many otters will be featured in Snacton designs. Pangolin. Honey Badger. Gnat Catcher. Rubber Snake. Pole Cat. Wild Boar.
Watched a Netflix called "Big Sur" and it endeared me to the California Condor, the Cougar and the Sea Otter. These animals and many otters will be featured in Snacton designs. Pangolin. Honey Badger. Gnat Catcher. Rubber Snake. Pole Cat. Wild Boar.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Snacton Error.
When i dream of reaping the benefits of a successful Snacton sales campaign, i think of how sensible and honorific my company would be viewed by the business world at large and how well respected my decisions would be. I think of Tony Hsei and and the way they are using the hundreds of millions of dollars in their coffers. They build an atmosphere of effective fun backed by community responsibility. When i think of how long a shot it is, i think starting a new business model might be a huge mistake for me. Hsei went to Harvard, is Asian, has friends with influence and sold a business for $250M+ to . The Snacton Era will be no error because i have to do this. If i give up on having ideas, i give up on any chance at self fulfillment or happiness. Keep striving and they will come.
Russian Forward. Cat Motor Hotel. The Butter Man.
I did my community service for the speeding ticket yesterday. 8ish hours of mostly nothing with five others doing time restitution. My penalty was knocked down from $250 to $100 and i scored some great Converse Low Risers in brown, tan and orange plaid. Nearly new and hard to find. Also i walked away with 2 Zoo York tees, a Houston Cougar a plain brown and a long sleeve Ed Hardy skull design with spangles on it. All for a $10er. Thanx Jah i don't have to go back there cuz there was a whole nother floor with tees, shoes and kitchen stuff i could certainly add to my collection. As i have stated previously, i have everything but the girl.
Stopped by the Rizide this morning and was not too upset that at least one cat had decided to shed in my shed. No foul smell, no foul. I returned the engine cover/cat door to it's place and began to take some more of my belongings out as the surly heat will surely put the curly my pearly. It's already one digit away from a triple and soon we're at 115 in the sHades. This morning is a cool one though and it makes me think that living in the Rizide would be a wise and pleasant move. Decisions 4 visions of revisions.
The Butterfly man is the dude running "Musicians for Peace". I was a boarder in his condo for 6 odd months. When i left, he didn't have my deposit as he had spent it. He paid a little each month and then last month he handed me twenty out of 40$ and said that he was keeping half because i had some last day rack pastries and a stick of butter. I just walked away without much of an argument so as not to raise my heart rate. What a jerk!!
I checked out the view stats on my blog and found that "The Snacton Era" is most popular in Russia then Germany and Maylay. That is somehow comforting.
Stopped by the Rizide this morning and was not too upset that at least one cat had decided to shed in my shed. No foul smell, no foul. I returned the engine cover/cat door to it's place and began to take some more of my belongings out as the surly heat will surely put the curly my pearly. It's already one digit away from a triple and soon we're at 115 in the sHades. This morning is a cool one though and it makes me think that living in the Rizide would be a wise and pleasant move. Decisions 4 visions of revisions.
The Butterfly man is the dude running "Musicians for Peace". I was a boarder in his condo for 6 odd months. When i left, he didn't have my deposit as he had spent it. He paid a little each month and then last month he handed me twenty out of 40$ and said that he was keeping half because i had some last day rack pastries and a stick of butter. I just walked away without much of an argument so as not to raise my heart rate. What a jerk!!
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Monday, April 23, 2012
Phone Smarts. Get thee behind me and I will make you hunters of P.I.G.S.
I saw a commercial the other day for a phone that is good for graphic design. If i could sit and design tees and such while i sit and wait for fares that would be AWESOME!! I believe the five blokes on the commercial were designing tees at the table. It took all of a couple minutes to get done. Thats like 300 designs a day!) I have been with my service provider for over two years and that means my contract has taken a bus to the edge of town or beyond and i am unbound and ready to get a phone/ tablet with some brain power. Soon?
I have some really great ideas and folks should get what it is i am doing. I write tag lines and captions down all the time and have over a thousand, most of which can be used for schwagger. I am a leader. Follow me and I will make you hunters of People In Good Standing. We need a fan base of people with people following them. Tribe leaders have a Rolodex full of believers. Nothing new.
I have some really great ideas and folks should get what it is i am doing. I write tag lines and captions down all the time and have over a thousand, most of which can be used for schwagger. I am a leader. Follow me and I will make you hunters of People In Good Standing. We need a fan base of people with people following them. Tribe leaders have a Rolodex full of believers. Nothing new.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Tax Eye. Funder. Item Mizer.
It cost me nearly $300 to catch up on my taxes. Three years in arrears is the most ever for me. The tax lady was good if a little unethical. By the time we finished i had started and lost a key making business and was a staunch Catholic donating lots of time and money to Our Lady Of Guadalupe Church in Sacramento. I'm more interesting now than ever before. These maneuvers have gotten me down to owing $2000 from $3500 so this should help with the loss of my business and excommunication from the church. My last two years will net me a grand and so to the surface i arise.
Spoke with Jim H. and he tells me he's up for a fish biologist position in Wenatchee, Washington that will potentially be a $40 an hour job doing ichthyology for a private consulting firm. That could be big money for him. Finally!!
I should hear from by early next week...
Spoke with Jim H. and he tells me he's up for a fish biologist position in Wenatchee, Washington that will potentially be a $40 an hour job doing ichthyology for a private consulting firm. That could be big money for him. Finally!!
I should hear from by early next week...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Lets get tickets. TAXI DRIVER. Lets trade 12 hours for $40.
I'm so done with the cab biz. I got another ticket for picking up passengers away from a taxi stand. I dropped off at the Flamingo and while I was counting out the change for the outgoing, two drunx jumped in. My door was still open because the passenger had yet to get his change. The cops were watching me in plain sight and I pointed at them so they would see that i acknowledged their presence. The pissheads needed to get to the hospital and so i said lets go. I didn't start the meter because i wanted to get passed the copolice. The two gendarmes took twenty+ minutes to give me that ticket.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tax day part won. Human Resources re-sourcing my checkup.
Got my HR on. Block that is. For $43 Lolita got me $973 back for 2011. Now we have to see what 2009 and ten will cost, if anything. Appointment at 2:00.
Went to HR yesterday and they pickin told me that i have no insurance after a year because i was two minutes late one day. Some waxy wanker thought it would be a good idea to make us employees have 9 straight months with 18 shift credits. If we are even one minute late one day, we must start over! After an entire year, i have no coverage. If THEY wanted, a system would be in place to ensure our insurance would kick in after nine months like it should. Assurance is not guaranteed. Snacton, take me away.
Went to HR yesterday and they pickin told me that i have no insurance after a year because i was two minutes late one day. Some waxy wanker thought it would be a good idea to make us employees have 9 straight months with 18 shift credits. If we are even one minute late one day, we must start over! After an entire year, i have no coverage. If THEY wanted, a system would be in place to ensure our insurance would kick in after nine months like it should. Assurance is not guaranteed. Snacton, take me away.
Vie to live un vie delivered, undeviled, like Elvis in Levis, lively, y silver veiled sans evil slivers and die edified.
Try to live a life apart, undemonized, like Elvis wearing his fave Levis, with ebullience, clad in silver and without splinters. Die lifted. Just try. That's good advice for any body.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Residing in Parvahti. Lets rizide. Edgy life.
Perhaps it's my renewed solitude that makes me want to give up apartment living or maybe it's just that i could use the money to start the design process, but i want to live in my motor house again. It was a more active life, being on the streets. I would ride my bike everyday, get to writing, sleep well, have a short commute and embrace adventure. Saving money is a side benefit. Each month i am living rough i can do an entire product run of $600. Rent is $170 a week so this would allow me to get a cheap hotel room or go up to my brothers for a shower. Both? I must be sure to make acquaintances though, so as to keep from becoming feral, depressed or worse.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Undercover Boss. Chief executive offender.
One of my fave shows is Undercover Buffoon. This is a show about CEO types running 100million dollar companies showing their ineptitude to the world. Guys that can't work a screw gun or post hole digger. Upper management disconnected from the people is nothing new. The way the proletariat sees overpaid execs spending the infrastructure money is changing quickly.
This won't happen at Snacton. I am hands on and my staff will be inquisitive, capable, empathetic and results driven. Since we are self-purposed with the causes of the people, great care will be given to paying attention to how the least of us will be affected.
This won't happen at Snacton. I am hands on and my staff will be inquisitive, capable, empathetic and results driven. Since we are self-purposed with the causes of the people, great care will be given to paying attention to how the least of us will be affected.
Friday, April 6, 2012
God Friday. If God were born yesterday. Pictures of Jordan.
What a miracle, religiosity. The fact that men wrote a story thousands of years ago that has effected billions of people so deeply is rather confounding. When a faith is based on the premise that all heathens that don't agree with "our" dogma burn in hell for all of eternity, i believe that i believe a major disconnect is at play. 99.999 percent of all born will be in hell. Wow. Wouldn't it have been more lucrative to create a story that was all inclusive?
The persecution of non believers. The total control of society by the church. The disclusion of the multitudes of the oppressed from the clergy. The criminal behavior documented by thousands of years of decision makers. The secret cadres, gods themselves, deciding upon the fates of the weak behind ornately designed doors. If the story were a recent one, it would be written with a softer, more benevolent hand.
No evidence of an afterlife makes for a tough sale. The pitch goes like this. "Give your life to God and you will go to heaven. If it exists".
With Snacton, just buy a sticker and you will be blissed in some way, forever.
'via Blog this'
The persecution of non believers. The total control of society by the church. The disclusion of the multitudes of the oppressed from the clergy. The criminal behavior documented by thousands of years of decision makers. The secret cadres, gods themselves, deciding upon the fates of the weak behind ornately designed doors. If the story were a recent one, it would be written with a softer, more benevolent hand.
No evidence of an afterlife makes for a tough sale. The pitch goes like this. "Give your life to God and you will go to heaven. If it exists".
With Snacton, just buy a sticker and you will be blissed in some way, forever.
'via Blog this'
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Broken Water. One more push. Hello Mama.
After midnight, my birthday arrives. I remember my 40th. I believe it was my best ever. It was a surprise party thrown by my ex up in Phinney Ridge. The whole gang was there. This one not so much. I can see why people drink on their bdays, to fade in the newest year. I'm not much of a drinker but today and tomorrow I feel a fade to follow. This time next year...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Boars Breadth. The Crooked Boar. Snacton T. Moore's Acting Free Boars.
It's all about making the design match the font and revealing the anti-negativity message within the graphics. A week of work should equal out to about a half run of product so a month should see the delivery of at least two partial runs or even 4 product intros. With proper biz planning we can initiate a formulaic process which allows the buyer to choose a pattern and, depending upon the sizer of the order, have the first run of that design. This way we can just design all the time and save the printing for when an order is requested. Since our theme is negativity bashing, boars are an excellent choice for a company mascot.
I should enroll in a Photoshop/Gimp class or at least have some plan for approaching the students with jobs to do. My dream is to be designing at will, anywhere in the world and with the next order of action no mystery. THE TEAM WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO! Bully to Snacton.
I should enroll in a Photoshop/Gimp class or at least have some plan for approaching the students with jobs to do. My dream is to be designing at will, anywhere in the world and with the next order of action no mystery. THE TEAM WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO! Bully to Snacton.
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