Friday, May 31, 2013

Is this it?

The cabbie strike is re ramping up to start a new round of activity. There were 7 police cars out front today and the protesters have reclaimed the space next to the parking lot. I was in the tee shirt shop this morning and they tell me that strike wear has been ordered. Thats all well and swell but I am still living too close to the fray for comfort. This next week should be providential concerning my move to DOWNTOWN. I really hope this stage is over soon. My designer at the tee shirt shop is on the verge of giving up on Vegas. Im going to try and find him a few contacts so that he can be on another verge. Besides he's a good designer and has a lot to offer.
The rubber stamps have arrived and now I can start on the tiles and baubles at Clay Arts. Next are the Snac Kerchiefs.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Snact on Johnnie's cupcakes.

We are now up to 27 likes onSnacton. Check out  John started in 2ooo out of his trunk while touring with his band, On Broken Wings, and now has four big stores, 75000 likes and a recent popup site in Sydney, OZ! We can build this business into an international name brand synonymous with positivity, action, inclusiveness and good times. Our popups will have teeth!

Monday, May 20, 2013

A bide in time. Abode hello.

Reside the residence.The place I should be closing on was inspected for the first time only yesterday. I have already decided that I want the lot. Upon entry I realized that the owner is delusional. He claims 3br/2ba but its 2/1 at best. Total fixer. Nothings easy.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Burgeon Land.

It seems odd to me that I have to pay for a home inspection before I have even seen the inferior interior. In order to move forward I must do as Im told. In the hope of seeing daylight we must risk venturing further into the unknown. I went by there a couple hours ago and saw 2 Asian twenty something women on the front yard with a giant Pitt Bull on leash. This drive by revealed a more ghetto hood than ever before. Grown men riding about on children's bicycles, young children, seeking to give attention, men working on cars and the smell of ganjah wafting through the fragrance of corn tortillas. Home bound hope found.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Space of waste.

My latest dream house smells like a free range dog pound. Big dog stink. That toxicity poses more than a nose problem because the ground is ammonia soaked and thus useless for gardening, fish farming and courting. It reeks like a skid row alley. Not nice at all. This might take a year to rectify. I might be able to get the city to declare it a hazardous dump site or better yet offer 60k on account of the roof needing replaced and the patio being separated from the main structure. SHIT!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sticker wicket.

I ordered 9oo decals on Thursday. An upstart lifestyle brand has to have stickers.