Friday, September 28, 2012

Twittle link. My Twitter life.

Big raise. CapitaLONE.

I was paying $209 a month to CITI. They were asking for $160. I asked for and received an interest rate reduction from 26%, up from 0%,  to 10%. I wisely opted to pay $240 a month to get this damn thing behind me. I will see about getting another card from them if the interest rate is at 0%. I asked for the past 3 years of statements from my other credit card, Watermark. They said it would cost $2 bux per month then called me back to say that they couldn't find me in the system. I think i can't owe them as much as they say i do. I recieved an offer in the mail from Capital One and now have a 0% card $500 credit line from them with a chance of raising that in a few months. I can't wait till i have an all cash life.
Whats in your wallet?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Diss Friendly Diss Course.

Being unfriended by a person that you are just developing a friendship with is disheartening to say the least. It can be confusing when someone asks you to hang out with them especially in this day of facebook friendships. In the olden days, one would pick up the phone and have a conversation, ask a question or otherwise develop a dialogue with another. These days one must assume more than ever before because using the phone isn't as much of an option. All i wanted a Pepsi.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sticker Sock. Feeling God about myself.

Not to get religious on you but i am a secular humanist (i think) and that releases me from having to get religious on you. Look it up.
Going in to see Jobi and The Shah to design and order some decals. Gots to get over to the repair shop to retrieve the Rizide. Wearing the "Launch Air" tee for the first time. God day to you all!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What have i done!?

The week in Snacton. I put the ambulation machines in the repair shop. The fixin will cost $1500+? Designed product with The Shah and Leah $100. Hung out with family at the Orleans Casino $70. Ordered $850 in product. Started to set up the Big Cartel E-Commerce site. Worked everyday, PRICELESS!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being good with money. Being a boring tight fisted mensch.

Today, after work i went to the Blue Ox for a beer and a shot. The bar maid, Debbi was so fine i gave her a $4 tip on a $7 order. So fine i forewent the shot. I don't drink anyways, so being tight fisted instead of two fisted went hand in hand. Cleavage should be watched carefully. I don't know how people become so free with the spending. They spend money on cars, homes, vacations, love, fancy dinners, kids, parents, furnitures, operations, clothing, tools and whatnots. I live in Parvati and try to burn as little dough as is feasible. It's a good thing i do because i have goals that include building the Snacton into a global philanthropy. I would give it all up for a nice set of cleavages though.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

102 posts. 325 Tweet Followers. 11 Likes.

Getting this gasoline siphoned from the tank to get the engines primed and running is like the sweetest taste ever. When the is up and funneling sales dollars into the infrastructure, it will all be worth the bad flavor of having only 11 likes at this stage of the endeavor. Check out my TI Global site @

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Solutions Party.

The roller coaster of party affiliation is once again heading downwards in an exhilarating yet saddening twistie towards apathy. So much talk of right and wrong good and evil demo and repub. How many will lose faith in the system after the requisite letdowns begin. Yet again. Once the system loses a devotee it may never get that voter back. Once a doe eyed follower gets tired of the face slaps and front handed backhands, it's next to impossible to regain that trust. The system is broken and my vote won't fix it. My vote will only help to perpetuate the lie. Lets get a solutions based solution in place and reboot. Big solutions for big problems. Hire millions, solve war, heal the planet, small farms, recycle fish, promote love and find me a girlfiend. As much sense as it makes, it'll never happen.

Monday, September 10, 2012

View Idea My Starbucks Idea.

I think that the plastic lids at Starbucks should be replaced with multi sized recyclable lids. Billions of lids are ending up in landfills and gyres. It's the lids that are the problem. View Idea

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Save on tons of plastic in landfills.

My Starbucks Idea.The throwaway paper cups have throwaway plastic tops. Reusable screw on tops can be made of tin or plastic and can be personalized, have adverts on them or be made into collectors items.  A design which makes the lid usable on all sizes of paper cups is the best use of materials and with the proper top on the lid it can also serve as a funnel or cup itself.

Lets do a study on the tons of plastic lids that end up in land fills and gyres across the globe and offer a number on the waste tonnage saved by the introduction of the "Multi-use Lid" per year. Also start a project to invite artists from around the world to submit collectible artwork  to go onto these "FunnelIds". We must also come up with a catchy name for proposed "TinkTops". Incentives can be offered to intice sales etc.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dali. Photoshop World Conference.

My fiend Leah took my picture this morn so's she could photo manipulate it into a surrealistic image of myself as Sal Dali with a Snacton hat on. Photo manipulation could be a great way of doing hundreds of posters, tees, cards, gels or whatevers. I could download free tickets to Photoshop World Conference at the Mandalay starting the 5th but am too intimated by the fact that i don't even have a beginners inkling as to the depth of Photoshop. I do have PShop 6.2 but can''t maneuver my way around it to save my eyes. It's on my Sony Vaio anyway so most of the time i dont even have it with me. I remember putting it on my flash drive though and so i might get it onto the Latitude Carryround. Yeah, that's what i'll do.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bacon Brothers~Action Philanthropy.

Snacton, Vermont. That's a small village near the Northern Border. It's an old hamlet up there. An old trading encampment. You wouldn't know it. The Bacon Brothers started a benevolence society back in '21 that helped nomads live with dignity and travel without having to worry about the basics. These brothers were at one time vagabonds themselves and lost one of there own in 1914 for the lack of warmth, food or Phileo love. Jokes were made of the family because the Bacons had none.  By 1919, the remaining 6 made their fortunes in 8 different areas of business and the conglomerate continues to flourish globally to this day. This design is in honor of their inspiration, foresight and indefatigability. $21