Friday, March 30, 2012

Jeb Snacton's Hand Bound Grain Bindles.

Contemplating the e-commerce design site
The company has been doing money websites since 1990 or so and has some built in tools which should help. Flakes abound! The web designers i found on Craigs never got back to me :(

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rent paid and payday tomorrow. Next week, design forum.

When i have $500 on the web dudes barrel head, progress should be near. I found a dude that does websites, designs, monetization and more for under $500. A simple site to handle the traffic for a few months and get me fitted into the marketing and expedition hats would suffice. I may have to live in the Rizide to save up for another product run. I don't mind.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Of Art and Healing.

I received some responses from Craigs list concerning my request for cheap artwork. One guy got back to me twice. With a good graphic artiste, ideas come in stormy and are then backed up with visual fortitude. A lifeless concept soon has a tentative smile and arms uplifted.
Some gal emailed me with some interest about dating. She wants me to email her at some other website "for more info".

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day. Cardinal Snacton's Night of Firelight.

Yes we make up holidays. Reverend Bosephus G. Snacton and his Band of Rectifiers Traveling Revue and Cotillion. A poster of the Reverend's historic 4th of July, 1979 show at the Radio City Music Hall. Anything that sells will get a bigger run of products. Poster, canvas, graffiti, chalk etc.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Captain Snacton's Skip Fixer.

Perhaps the best idea for now is to get onto Clist and try to meet with anyone willing to listen to the concept. The ad. can read: A concept graphics based modern startup in  brainstorming stage. Think tank/focus group would generate interest.  Like my idea. Or something. The other idea is to work 72 hours a week which i already doo.
We are to become a "coolectors" item, a company known for it's turnaround rapidity and multi-purchase first visit internet sales. Each real life shop, restaurant, school, club is a potential sales point for our entire line given our reputation for representing all things positive as an inside joke. A poster can be of a wine bottle with the label reading "From the Snacton Region of South Boers Spit." It can have a quote, a date, a description a picture of a boar and some grapes. A customer can have the words of their choice. See the potential yet. Get snaction on the tongues of the the right stuff and we will have trouble dealing with distribution and production, sales and human rec.

The Snacton Ideal.

Snacton is an old idea with a new name. Peace. Unity. Positivity. When you see our word and know what it means, you are in on the wink. In time, we will be synonymous with bettering the greater good. Snacton Teas and Tarts.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

100 dollars a day or 2kper month.

If only i could take in revenues of 40$ a day. I could perpetuate the dream and build up to $480 a day. It's tax month so if I get some money back i can get started with the designs etc..

Scat the Mascot. Snacto the Game. Pet Charities.

We are on the fast track to making our company appear as one of tenured palimpsestian back lighting. We want our new venture to look old. With a business model like Snacton, we can pretend to be nearly anything.
We should have some proprietary Snacton owned animals, games, colors etc.. The Snacton Style.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Snacton Week at Monte Tia Ikii.

I do like the freedom that the faux launch provides. The extreme outdoor sporting event "Tough Mudder" is coming to Nevada soon. Snacton can put out some material that coincides with event timing.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Snacton of Acton.

When i lost my taxicab card on Sat. during NASCAR week, i lost $500+. Thats a lot of stickers, a monetized website, RV repairs, Starkraft tires etc. Today is payday though and this should stac my bank up to $1100. Minus the food, rent, gas, minutiae of maybe $350 Thats enough left over to start a business in a minute. Still no phone calls or emails as a result of my Face Book like search. It's cool though cuz 3 likes is better than zero.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Like # 1. Jenny L. Deeds.

Face Boo is amazing. My mommz best friend growing up was Judy. Her kids and I have known each other for years.  We're talking 9 years old kind of history. I haven't spoken to her twice in 30 years. She is the 1st person i told about the Snacton. This was back when i was still dealing with the Hedgehog burrowing about my cranial nooks. It was the sixth of March. Her birthday.  I told my brother 1st but she was the first to listen and like in real life. The first fb like is Foxxy.  We were in a band together, lived in a band house and were always pretty good friends when we hung out. We lived in Vegas twice together but never managed to hang out and make a success out here in the desert.  Like # 2!
Jenny likes it too! The Snacton Spread.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Snacton Product Run. Donations Required. Calling All Angels to Back the Snacton

The VC world is one wrought  with pits and slings and not barbecue and Singapore. Venture Capitalists serve and important niche with necessary monies with which to  continue the venture with the wind of new capital. Willing to give up a good portion of the biz?(  In need of the contacts promised by the veterans of industry?, the Angels will be glad to trade with you. Snacton will go with the "Micro-Front", system of fundraising. The public can front us the money for a single run of product. Say a run of stickers and tees including design costs for 1st run status is $1600. The donor will receive a benefit such as a mention on the product and a chance to buy me dinner. Also they will get their money back with interest. Any group can get some quality advertising for FREE and contribute to the design of the product line. Those that get the concept can help to ensure/insure our success. It is important for me to maintain 100% ownership in the business. For storytelling purposes. All loans are to be repaid with a buyout clause prohibiting anyone from acquiring partial ownership of The Snacton.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Snacton's Fast Action All pourpose Salve.

Snacton plays well in any venue and for any time period. Cro Snactorang Man.  I am Snacton of Seti Omega 8. Snacton Fashion Icon Battalion. The Snacton Craze. Get your Snacton. Still no comments or likes that I know of. Maybe i'm doing it wrong. NASCAR week in Vegas and I seem to have lost my Worker Card. Showed up on Sat. mo and had no idea where my Taxicab Authority Card is. They will give me a "no call no sho" until Monday. Snacton, take me away.

The Peacmeal Era. Snac to NV. Isle of Snacton.

I really like my new idea. Seventeen years ago i started thinking Peacemeal. Everything Peacemeal. A Peacemeal effort. The basic tenets of the original launch, steeped into my core, will remain. This new beginning, however,  is more than a mere name change. You see,  Snacton is a game changer. Our style of business will change the way the common good thinks about things. To the Peacemeal era I say "thanks for forging the foundation". Thanks for the logo. Stick around.
I Love Snacton.  It's everything I was always looking for and more.
If we were to get into serving snacs here in Nevada, we would be "A Snac to Envy". A nice sound to it, yeah? The ideas keep rolling in. Need more money.